Featured Foster Family: Pam & Bill


Meet Family Works foster family Pam and Bill. They live in the Colby area and have been doing foster care with Family Works for almost 7 years. Prior to being licensed, Pam and Bill were approved to do respite for several months prior to being officially licensed. Respite is when a child that is placed with another family comes to stay with you for a short period of time, anywhere from a few hours to a few days to a few weeks. Respite providers give much needed breaks to foster parents and foster children. This is a great opportunity to get a feel for foster care and support other foster parents in the process.

Getting Started

Pam shares that she was interested in doing foster care and getting involved in the child welfare system since she was a young child. Pam has always wanted to be a mom and although she was unmarried, she was determined to be a mom anyway. She shares that one year she woke up on a Christmas morning and decided that this was going to be her last Christmas in an empty house. Pam did research and found a foster care agency that she liked and got licensed as a foster parent. Pam went into the foster care system with the intention of adoption. Pam did foster care as a single parent for several years and even adopted her oldest daughter through the foster care system as a single mom.

Pam and Bill had already known each other in childhood but were reintroduced in their adulthood. Bill was initially unfamiliar with the foster care system and was unsure if this was something he wanted to do long term. They eventually moved to central Wisconsin and got licensed with Family Works in November of 2017. Bill described that he was unsure at first if this was something he would enjoy, however, after doing the training requirements, found that he learned a lot of valuable information and ended up really enjoying the foster care process.

Their family system consists of their three daughters; their oldest daughter that was adopted through foster care, and then their two biological girls. Bill has four adult children that live outside of the home. Pam’s mother also lives in the home with Pam and Bill. As is true for all families, each family can look very different and have unique dynamics.

Pam and Bill enjoy doing fun family activities together as a family. They enjoy doing weekend road trips or even just going out for the day as a family. Pam shares that they love to go to Six Flags and enjoy the day riding rollercoasters and participating in other fun family activities. They share that they enjoy going shopping, to the fair, to the movies, swimming, boating, fishing, and getting ice cream together. One of their best memories is when they have taken the SS Badger from Manitowoc to Ludington (and back). They explain that you get on a ferry in Wisconsin, and it takes you across to Michigan. They add that while on the ferry, you do fun activities together such as trivia or watching movies.

Pam shares that she enjoys doing foster care because she can do these fun things with other kiddos that maybe have not had these experiences previously. Pam enjoys being silly and goofy and just having a good time with all of the kids that come into the home regardless of if it is for respite or placement. Pam shares that her favorite part is the joy that she gets seeing these kids happy and having fun.

What Keeps them Going?

The couple enjoys doing foster care and continues to provide care each year because they love what they do. Pam takes on the primary role as caretaker in the family and Bill is there to support her as she does what she loves. Pam explains that she continues to foster children because it gives her purpose and meaning to her life. Each child that comes into the home has such different and unique needs. Pam shares that she enjoys figuring out what works for each kid. Every child has potential and Pam enjoys finding what kids excel at and leaning on those strengths. “No matter what, we need to see them with individuals that have all the potential in the world”. They enjoy seeing growth in children, no matter how small. “Some days are hard, but every day has the potential to be a fantastic day”.

Words of Advice from Pam and Bill

  • Don’t give up, it is all worth it.
  • Use your resources when you need support. There are so many resources out there to help kids and to help you.
  • Lean on your support system. If something comes up or you need support, call your worker or other foster parents.
  • Everyone is human and has the potential to burn out. You need to remember that it is going to be okay. Take a deep breath and there is something or someone that can help you.
  • Not only are these kids going to be different than raising your own kids, but it’s going to be completely different for each individual child. Each child is unique and there are going to be different things that work for each kid. Meet the child where they are at. It is okay to change your parenting style. It is okay if something that worked for one kid isn’t working for another. Even if people are critical and saying it isn’t the right way, it is the right thing for that kid and that is all that matters.
  • Give the child a chance. They are not all you read on the referral. Never dismiss them because of where they came from.

Why Family Works?

Pam and Bill share that they enjoy working with Family Works because of the staff being trauma informed. Pam explains that although it is more common now, not all agencies follow these practices. Pam adds that she appreciates that Family Works understands and is willing to see children through a trauma informed lens. Bill shares that he believes Family Works does an amazing job of getting children involved in the services they need. Pam and Bill appreciate the support they get from their Family Works social workers. “Family Works is different. They will take calls 24/7” and it is your worker that will respond. They know the case and they will do their best to help you.

Pam also shares that she enjoys the training opportunities that Family Works offers such as case consultations and cluster trainings. Case consultations are an opportunity for foster parents to connect with other foster parents within the agency. Case consultations are an additional support for Family Works foster parents and are a great way for families to build their foster parent support network. Cluster trainings are educational opportunities that are offered to foster parents by Family Works or outside agencies each month. Topics vary, but it is a wonderful opportunity to work on your required education hours and expand your knowledge on important areas related to foster care.

Family Works Social Worker says:

“The Raske’s are a pleasure to work with.  They are team orientated, child-focused and fierce advocates for children in their care.  Their patience, dedication, and flexibility make them a real asset to Family Works.  I am grateful for all they do to help our youth.”


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